Recent books on Russia-China relations:
- China-Russia Strategic Alignment in International Politics by Alexander Korolev, AUP 2022
- Russia-China Relations. Emerging Alliance or Eternal Rivals? edited by Sarah Kirchberger, Svenja Sinjen & Nils Wörmer, Springer 2022
- Axis of Authoritarians: Implications of China-Russia Cooperation edited by Richard J. Ellings and Robert Sutter, NBR 2018
- Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century edited by Jo Inge Bekkevold and Bobo Lo, Palgrave Macmillan 2018
- China, Russia, and Twenty-First Century Global Geopolitics by Paul J. Bolt and Sharyl N. Cross, OUP 2018
- China and Russia: the new rapprochement by Alexandr Lukin, Polity 2018
- International Relations and Asia’s Northern Tier. Sino-Russia Relations, North Korea, and Mongolia edited by Gilbert Rozman and Sergey Radchenko, Palgrave Macmillan 2018
- Russia and China. A Political Marriage of Convenience – Stable and Successful by Michal Lubina, Barbara Budrich Publishers 2017
- A Wary Embrace. What the China-Russia relationship means for the world by Bobo Lo, Penguin and Lowy Institute 2017
Recent think-tank reports on Russia-China relations:
- An Emerging Strategic Partnership: Trends in Russia-China Military Cooperation by Dmitry Gorenburg, George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, April 2020
- Russia and China: axis of revisionists? by Angela Stent, Brookings, February 2020
- Russia and the slowdown of the Chinese economy by Riikka Nuutilainen and Jouko Rautava, BOFIT, January 2020
- How does China fare on the Russian market? Implications for the European Union by Alicia García-Herrero and Jianwei Xu, Breugel, November 2019
- Russia and China in the Middle East: Playing their best cards by Marco Siddi and Marcin Kaczmarski, FIIA, November 2019
- The Expanding China-Russia Defense Partnership by Richard Weitz, Hudson Institute, May 2019
- Russia and China: Anatomy of a Partnership ed. by Aldo Ferrari and Eleonora T. Ambrosetti, ISPI, May 2019
- Facing the “new normal”:The strong and enduring Sino-Russian relationship and its implications for Europe by Christopher Weidacher Hsiung, SIIA, April 2019
- China-Russia Relations: Strategic Implications and U.S. Policy Options by Robert Sutter, NBR, September 2018
- Cooperation and Competition: Russia and China in Central Asia, the Russian Far East, and the Arctic by Paul Stronski and Nicole Ng, CEIP, February 2018
- China-Russia security cooperation. Geopolitical signalling with limits by Elina Sinkkonen, FIIA, January 2018
- The Authoritarian Challenge. China, Russia and the Threat to the Liberal International Order by Aaron L. Friedberg, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, August 2017
- Central Asia’s Silk Road Rivalries by International Crisis Group, July 2017
- Russia-China Relations: Assessing Common Ground and Strategic Fault Lines by Michael S. Chase, Evan S. Medeiros, J. Stapleton Roy, Eugene Rumer, Robert Sutter and Richard Weitz, NBR, July 2017
- Japan and the Sino-Russian entente. The Future of Major-Power Relations in Northeast Asia by Shoichi Itoh, Ken Jimbo, Michito Tsuruoka, and Michael Yahuda, NBR, April 2017
- China–Russia relations and regional dynamics: From pivots to peripheral diplomacy, SIPRI, March 2017
- Russia-China Relations and the West by Marcin Kaczmarski, Center for Transatlantic Studies, SAIS, March 2017
- The EU, the Eurasian Economic Union and One Belt, One Road. Can they work together? by Ian Bond, CER, March 2017
- China-Russia Military-to-Military Relations: Moving Toward a Higher Level of Cooperation by Ethan Meick, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, March 2017
- Russia and China. Partners of choice and necessity? by Ian Bond, CER, December 2016
- China and Russia: an Eastern partnership in the making? by Michal Makocki and Nicu Popescu, ISS, December 2016
- China and Russia: Gaming the West by Mathieu Duchâtel and François Godement, ECFR, November 2016
- Energy Relations between Russia and China: Playing Chess with the Dragon by James Henderson and Tatiana Mitrova, OIES, August 2016
- Friends with Benefits? Russian-Chinese Relations After the Ukraine Crisis by Alexander Gabuev, CEIP, June 2016
- Russia, China, and the West after Crimea by Angela Stent, Transatlantic Academy, May 2016
- Russia: Turn to China? by Margarete Klein and Kirsten Westphal, SWP, January 2016
- China and Russia – A Study on Cooperation, Competition and Distrust by Märta Carlsson, Susanne Oxenstierna and Mikael Weissmann, FOI, July 2015
- A "soft alliance"? Russia-China relations after the Ukraine crisis by Alexander Gabuev, ECFR, February 2015
Recent journal articles on Russia-China relations:
- 'China and Russia in R2P debates at the UN Security Council' by Zheng Chen and Hang Yin, International Affairs, online first, 2020
- 'Convergence or divergence? Visions of world order and the Russian-Chinese relationship' by Marcin Kaczmarski, European Politics and Society, 20(2), 2019
- 'How closely aligned are China and Russia? Measuring strategic cooperation in IR' by Alexander Korolev, International Politics, online first, 2019
- 'Balancing or backscratching? Sino-Russian logrolling during US decline' by Kyle Haynes, International Politics, online first, 2019
- 'Sino-Russian relations: the false promise of Russian balancing' by Robert Ross, International Politics, online first, 2019
- 'Power shifts, third-party threats, and credible signals: explaining China’s successful reassurance of Russia' by Brandon K. Yoder, International Politics, online first, 2019
- 'An equal partnership of unequals: China’s and Russia’s new status relationship' by Deborah Welch Larson, International Politics, online first, 2019
- 'A China–Russia Condominium over Eurasia' by Nadège Rolland, Survival, 61(1), 2019
- 'Reluctant allies: System-unit dynamics and China-Russia relations' by Alexander Korolev and Vladimir Portyakov, International Relations, online first, 2018
- 'Russia's energy diplomacy with China: personalism and institutionalism in its policy-making process' by Bo Xu and William M. Reisinger, The Pacific Review, online first, 2018
- 'Sino-Russian Accommodation and Adaptation in Eurasian Regional Order Formation' by Gaye Christoffersen, Asian Perspective, 42(3), 2018
- 'China-Russia Relations in Times of Crisis: A Neoclassical Realist Explanation' by Alexander Korolev and Vladimir Portyakov, Asian Perspective, 42(3), 2018
- 'The Sino-Russian Partnership and the East Asian Order' by Elizabeth Wishnick, Asian Perspective, 42(3), 2018
- 'Strategic Partnership or Alliance? Sino-Russian Relations from a Constructivist Perspective' by Ying Liu, Asian Perspective, 42(3), 2018
- 'On the Verge of an Alliance: Contemporary China-Russia Military Cooperation' by Alexander Korolev, Asian Security, online first, 2018
- 'Chinese–Russian economic relations: developing the infrastructure of a multipolar global political economy?' by Ray Silvius, International Politics, online first, 2018
- 'Russia’s relationship with China: the role of domestic and ideational factors' by Jeanne Wilson, International Politics, online first, 2018
- 'Moscow's Response to a Rising China' by Tom Røseth, Problems of Post-Communism, online first, 2018
- 'Russia in the South China Sea: Balancing and Hedging' by Alexander Korolev, Foreign Policy Analysis, online first, 2018
- 'The Strategic Implications of Russia-China Relations: Regional Perspectives' by Brian Franchell, Angela Stent, Yu Bin, Alexander Lukin, Tomohiko Uyama, Hiroshi Yamazoe and Robert Sutter, Asia Policy, 13(1), 2018
- 'Explaining the 2014 Sino–Russian Gas Breakthrough: The Primacy of Domestic Politics' by Morena Skalamera, Europe-Asia Studies, 70(1), 2018
- 'Understanding Russia’s energy turn to China: domestic narratives and national identity priorities' by Morena Skalamera, Post-Soviet Affairs, 34(1), 2018
- 'Russia and its shared neighbourhoods: a comparative analysis of Russia-EU and Russia-China relations in the EU's Eastern neighbourhood and Central Asia' by Vsevolod Samokhvalov, Contemporary Politics, 24(1), 2018
- 'New strategies for an old rivalry? China–Russia relations in Central Asia after the energy boom' by Carla P. Freeman, Pacific Review, 31(5), 2018
- 'Russia’s Lasting Influence in Central Asia' by Morena Skalamera, Survival 59(6), 2017
- 'Non-western visions of regionalism: China's New Silk Road and Russia's Eurasian Economic Union' by Marcin Kaczmarski, International Affairs 93(6), 2017
- 'Two Ways of Influence-building: The Eurasian Economic Union and the One Belt, One Road Initiative' by Marcin Kaczmarski, Europe-Asia Studies 69(7), 2017
- 'Beijing’s Quest for Stability in its Neighborhood: China’s Relations with Russia in Central Asia' by Liselotte Odgaard, Asian Security 13(1), 2017
- 'The Symbiotic China-Russia Partnership: Cautious Riser and Desperate Challenger' by Andrej Krickovic, Chinese Journal of International Politics 10(3), 2017
- 'Russia and China in the age of grand Eurasian projects: Prospects for integration between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union' by Kaneshko Sangar, Cambridge Journal of Eurasian Studies 1(1), 2017
- 'Russia’s energy relations with China: passing the strategic threshold?' by Tom Røseth, Eurasian Geography and Economics 58(1), 2017
- 'Russia and China: A New Model of Great-Power Relations' by Samuel Charap, John Drennan & Pierre Noël Survival, 59(1), 2017
- 'In search of the ‘Other’ in Asia: Russia–China relations revisited' by Elizabeth Wishnick, The Pacific Review 30(1), 2017
- 'The Emerging Hydrocarbon Interdependence between Russia and China: Institutional and Systemic Implications' by Catherine Locatelli, Mehdi Abbas & Sylvain Rossiaud, Europe-Asia Studies 69(1), 2017
- 'The Architecture of Alignment: The Russia–China Relationship and International Agreements' by Thomas Ambrosio, Europe-Asia Studies 69(1), 2017
- 'Crouching Bear, Hidden Dragon: “One Belt One Road” and Chinese-Russian Jostling for Power in Central Asia' by Alexander Gabuev, Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies 5(2), 2016
- 'Systemic Balancing and Regional Hedging: China–Russia Relations' by Alexander Korolev, Chinese Journal of International Politics 9(4), 2016
- 'Brothers in arms, yet again? Twenty-first century Sino-Russian strategic collaboration in the realm of defence and security' by John Watts, Sofia Ledberg & Kjell Engelbrekt, Defence Studies 16(4), 2016
- ‘Sino–Russian Relations Status Exchange or Imbalanced Relationship?’ by Geir Flikke, Problems of Post-Communism 63(3), 2016
- 'The Eurasian Economic Union and China's silk road: implications for the Russian-Chinese relationship' by Jeanne L. Wilson, European Politics and Society 17(S1), 2016
Chapters on Russia-China relations in edited volumes:
- 'Russia and China in Global Governance' by Marcin Kaczmarski in: Russia in the Changing International System, ed. by Emel Parlar Dal and Emre Erşen, Palgrave Macmillan 2020
- 'Russia-China Relations in Central Asia and the SCO' by Mikhail A. Molchanov, in: Changing Regional Alliances for China and the West, ed. by David Lane and Guichang Zhu, Lexington Books 2018
- 'Russia and China as the Yin-and-Yang of 21st Century Eurasia?’ by Kaneshko Sangar, in: Changing Regional Alliances for China and the West, ed. by David Lane and Guichang Zhu, Lexington Books 2018
- 'The Geopolitical Significance of Sino-Russian Cooperation in Central Asia for the Belt and Road Initiative' by Enrico Fels, in: Rethinking the Silk Road, ed. by Maximilian Mayer, Palgrave 2018
- 'Russia Turns East Again? Russia and China After Ukraine' by Peter Ferdinand, in: EU-Russia Relations in Crisis. Understanding Diverging Perceptions, ed. by Tom Casier and Joan Debardeleben, Routledge 2018
- 'Sino-Russian relations: same bed, different dreams' by Simon Saradzhyan and Ali Wyne, in: Power Relations in the Twenty-First Century. Mapping a Multipolar World? ed. by Donette Murray and David Brown, Routledge 2018